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Surrender A Pet

Surrendering an animal is a difficult decision to make, but some times it is the most loving thing you can do for your pet.


At Serenity Pet Sanctuary, we do not judge your reasons for surrendering your pet.  Once we take in your pet, you can rest assured that it will be very well taken care of, and loved.  We vow to do our best to find your pet the most loving home possible, and we will not put the pet you surrender up for adoption until we believe he or she is ready. 


Since we do not have access to unlimited resources, We ask that you please be patient and understanding as we do our best to help. 


Anything you can provide at the time of surrender will also be helpful (cages, accessories, bedding, or cash donations for future food purchases). If you are unable to provide anything we do ask you bring something along that smells like your home to make the transition easier. 


To surrender your pet, please complete the following surrender agreement:

 Please note: While submitting an application doesn't guarantee we can help, it allows us to assess your pet's needs. If we're able to assist, we'll contact you as soon as possible. 

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